Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mount - Carrion Rider

This is kind of a rehash of an older image from 2004. I'd liked the idea of a sort of scavenger cleanup crew picking over a battlefield riding giant flightless vultures. The older version had bird "arms", giving it a vaguely praying mantis/hydralisk look.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


This was a lot of fun to work on. I may even color it, if you can believe that.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Week 8- Mounts

I somehow feel that's it's kind of cheating to make a sketch topic something that I've done an entire series of drawings based on, but I do love it so.
Draw one thing using another thing as means of transportation. Have fun with it.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


My name is Erin Wilson. and I am now a member of this blog! Deal with it!

I want to apologize, Garrett, for not being such a good fearless leader lately. The project has been something larger than I can touch right now, for several reasons. One of those reasons being my first me planned and organized art show!

to those working on the film: don't worry, it's beginning. I sent you e-mails. Let's do this. We can!!!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The Cauldroni, or "Boiled One's" are truly an abomination, even among the ranks of the living dead. A great heap of corpses and assorted body parts are unceremoniously thrown into an enormous cast-iron cauldron, and boiled until all the flesh and bile has reduced to a foul stew of gore and angry spirits. The bones are animated by this concoction of magic, misery, and meat. The tangled bodies writhe and gnash, but cannot escape the cauldron. To move, the bodies must drag around the tremendously heavy cauldron, only adding to their anger.

Had fun drawing this, and actually got close to a level of finish.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Science Lich

This is a sort of reanimated scientist or alchemist who modifies his skull with watertight seals, so that he can pump nourishing chemicals to his eyes and brain to prevent decay and aid in neuro-electrical activity. He uses wiring to interface with borrowed limbs for locomotion and manipulation. Not entirely original, as he's a bit Frankenstein's Monster-ish. Other ideas involved his whole skull being in inside of a liquid-filled tank or hood, but that's probably been done even more by others.

I still need to catch up and do a walk cycle animation some time this week, and I'll try to post some stuff I'm working on.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Let's Call it Week 7- Undead

This weeks topic is Undead. The internet is rife with the cultural flotsam surrounding undead. I propose we do something a bit more interesting. Try to go beyond the basic undead types.
Just going off the cuff here, but you could try a vampire who rather than feeding off of blood, sucks the bones out of people, leaving them a structureless blob. Or a zombie, who rather than eating brains due to some mindless hunger, does it because of a love of knowledge, gained through some magic zombie stomach osmosis, or something... I'm sure you'll have a better idea.

Also, let's get some more people than just Colonel Heliostat and myself contributing!

Week 6ish

This is a bit of character design from something I'm working on. You may see more from this project in the future. Click on it!