Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The Cauldroni, or "Boiled One's" are truly an abomination, even among the ranks of the living dead. A great heap of corpses and assorted body parts are unceremoniously thrown into an enormous cast-iron cauldron, and boiled until all the flesh and bile has reduced to a foul stew of gore and angry spirits. The bones are animated by this concoction of magic, misery, and meat. The tangled bodies writhe and gnash, but cannot escape the cauldron. To move, the bodies must drag around the tremendously heavy cauldron, only adding to their anger.

Had fun drawing this, and actually got close to a level of finish.


Anonymous said...

This looks great! And I love your writing, the description of it. Way cool.

Daniel said...

That is a very cool design. I like that you have a back story and all. It would be cool to see in motion, in an animation or game of some sort.