Saturday, October 11, 2008

Things I Am Not Good At

This one might not fall under the challenge entirely. It's more like "here's two things I don't normally do/aren't that good at". Namely, lots of colors that aren't gray, and attractive women. (Most women I draw without reference tend to turn out looking a weird ambiguous age, or just plain masculine).

I guess I should make another for something I actively don't like drawing. Possibly feet and shoes, which could be made fun somehow.


Daniel said...

Oh, and she's just green due to the sickly pseudo fauvism. Not supposed to be an elf or what have you. I was also informed recently that I failed on the "attractive woman" aspect, perhaps partially due to the colors.

Admiral Monolith said...

Bah, color is for the bourgeoisie. I honestly like it. She isn't super attractive, but I think you overcame the androgynous factor without playing on the typical cheep tricks I use to imply feminine nature. A handful of thing's I've learned while drawing women:

Try to emphasize the cheekbones in the face, and she has a fairly rounded chin. While the male chin follows the jaw line, most female chins protrude slightly from it, giving it an extra angle.

On the shoulders, work with the collar bones and that little dip right above the sternum. The collar bone junction is actually a fairly noticeable point of gender dimorphism.

One particular point of praise, I like her big nose. It's not a typically feminine characteristic, but it doesn't look out of place. I think it actually gives the figure a large amount of character.

Daniel said...

Hey, thanks for the critique and excellent advice. I guess I'll consider it a pretty successful attempt - moderately attractive/feminine is what I was going for. My goal is to be able to draw women well without makeup or lots of stylization. I think more referenced studies are in order...

And yeah, I did get negative comments about the nose when I showed it to some other people, but I like it too.