Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Week 3- Folklore

For no particular reason, I decided to go with folklore this week. Any era, region, or interpretation is fair game. Have fun with this one.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Secret Government Project - Col. Heliostat

My sketch thing for this week. Once again, I'm kind of wanting to redo it. More screens, more pristine underground war room, serious looking generals standing around, etc.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Secret Government Project

I went out on a limb and tried a photo assemblage technique. I spent way too long fooling with it and hated the results. It's not even particularly creative, just some robot. Bah.

I'll try to post some neat stuff from my sketch book. I've been really happy with some of that.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Week 2- Secret Government Projects

I must say I'm honestly very pleased with the first sketch week. I really just expected it to be me posting a picture of a man with a monocle eating a building, drawn on a napkin and scanned in three weeks after my initial posting. Commendations all around.

Moving on. We're all smart people, and therefor are well aware that the government is hiding things from us. Following my general habit of stream of conscious selection of topic, I've decided to make this weeks sketch topic Secret Government Projects. Use the unveiling potential of art to shed light on the insidious plots, or gross incompetence, of our governing officials. Go!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Elegant Giants

My attempt this week is a bit... weak. I got sick, and just kinda put some colors on a rough sketch. It's not at all apparent what's going on. The giants are supposed to be dancing in the River Thames, but I just scribbled a lot rather than drawing actual water. I really should set a better example. Anyway, Colonel Heliostat's is excellent, so the week isn't a total bust.

Elegant Giant

Here's my elegant giant sketch for this week's topic. I rarely draw large scale objects, so it was a good challenge. I'm considering going back and remaking the general idea with better proportions and refinement, with more ships, details, lighting etc.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Week 1- Giants

It suddenly occurs to me that this blog lacks focus of any kind. Therefor, I'm going to arbitrarily institute a sketch of the week program. It keeps the mind sharp and the fingers busy, and sometimes yields hilarious results!

This week, anyone who cares to is encouraged to create an Elegant Giant or Graceful Giantess, or something related to either of those things. I say sketch, but I don't want to rule out animation, photo-manipulation, musical composition, elaborate thought experiment, or any other creative endeavor. Have at.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Introductions all around

Hello, and welcome to the exceedingly famous League of Elegant Giants. The name is all made up nonsense, and doesn't have any particular meaning or importance, aside from the fact that I wanted to draw a giant with a monocle for the banner.

If you're reading this, chances are you are one of my good friends, whom I have invited to join this little experiment because I value both your talent and candor. I hope to expand this blog into a nexus for our current works and projects, experiments, group efforts, and individual accomplishments.

Ideally, we would each be free to post our creative endeavors here and get feedback and critique from one another. I found that the largest flaw in my art education was the lack of honest advice about my work, from both my instructors and particularly my peers. Most of you are shining exceptions from the general mumbled "s'alright" or all too common stony silence.

I realize that this all sounds rather severe, and not like very much fun at all. I also hope that we could work together on short, entertaining, and largely absurd little week long projects. While I have yet to determine the specific nature of these projects or challenges, the end goal is to give us something fun to work on to enhance our skills. Anyone affiliated with the League of Elegant Giants would be free to participate, but by no mean forced to.

Once you've read this, please decide if you would like to participate. If you think "No, this doesn't sound like something I'd be interested in," The please throw yourself off of a cliff and rid this world of your insufferable presence. If, however, you are interested in giving this a shot, and helping me make this something more than a series of rantings and poorly drawn caricatures of Lincoln and Kaiser Wilhelm, then please contact me so I can give you permission to alter this mess for the better. Also, pick out a splendid pseudonym. I find that selecting a military title and opening a dictionary to a random page yields excellent results.
For Example:
General Thrust
Colonel Halloween
Lt. Mahjong
Private Ferris Wheel
Commander Strip Mine
Captain Once-over
Brigadier General Holocaust

All really selected at random from a dictionary! Go on, try it at home kids.